Friday, May 16, 2008

The Polar Bear Killed Oil

The Polar Bear has made it's way onto the Threatened Species List. This means horrible news for any future oil exploration in the Arctic. The people behind this push to put the "poor Polar Bear" are the same Global Warming nuts that want to blame all the Cyclical Climate Changes on man and his toilings. Now that the Polar Bear is considered "threatened", any and everywhere the Polar Bear lives is now off limits to oil exploration. Let's get to the facts: 1. The Polar Bear is NOT Threatened. In the 1970's, there were only 5,000 Polar Bears. Today, there are 25,000 Polar Bears. Sounds very threatened, doesn't it. 2. This is about oil. The Pro-Global Warming lobbies have now successfuly put the Arctic, especially ANWR, off limits for oil exploration. The main arguement from these groups was that the Polar Ice Caps are melting and the Polar Bear can no longer get food or has a place to live. The Arctic Ice Shelf is now at its LARGEST level in 35 years, and is the 2nd largest amount of ice since records have started being kept. But, because the left and their Church of Global Warming want to damn those who they say are killing the planet and the poor, vastly-expanded population of Polar Bears, oil exploration has now been deemed as "dangerous" to the Polar Bear and its way of life. Eco-nuts like this are only trying to put the Polar Bear on the list as a way to starve the world of its vast oil resources. $5.00 Gas, here we come. So long Freedom, hello Ahmadinejad.

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