Saturday, May 10, 2008
The War between the Branches
Oliver Stone's Twist
Oliver Stone is set to begin production on his film, W., about George W. Bush soon. Now, considering Stone has spoken glowingly of the end of Bush, should we take him or his film seriously? The fact is, history's leaders are judged after many, many, MANY decades and generations after the fact. This is jumping the gun to interject personal hatred into a lame-duck president while Americans still harbor feelings of resentment and anger against him. Of course, all of Stone's films have been box-office flops, but still, he isn't going to be "objective". Many Bush biographers have looked at pieces of "leaked" script and said it was riddled with inaccuracies, making Bush look like he ran the White House like and frat house and he cared more about watching Sport's Center on ESPN than he did about running the country. It's been called "daring" and "cutting-edge". No it isn't. People are already sick of Bush, so why do you need to remind those who are sick of him that, yes, they are infact sick of him? It's like making a movie on the horrors of stomach flu. We know it's bad, and these people think they "know" George W. Bush is the root of all evil throughout the world. Hollywood obviously knows more about foreign policy and running the most powerful nation in the world waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy more than those who actually ARE running it. So, we should definatley listen to them. The same people who feined over Castro. The same people who have shown admonishment for anything the US does around the world, when it pertains to protecting the US's and its allies interests.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Don't Interrupt Him! He's on the Chair with the Rope as we Speak!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The Billary Bomb Fallout, and Things To Pack for Denver
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Wright Does Not A Right Wing Pastor Make
To The "Faux News" Morons, In The Event of My Untimely Death...
Michelle Obama's "America Plan"
If Punk Rockers Truly Hated Big Government, They'd Be Conservatives(Thanks Ann)
The so-called "Party of the People"
The Democratic Nominee Tradition
Apparently, Obama is the EXACT reason why the Dems have Super Delegates. He is now the fatally flawed candidate, and Hillary now appears to be the Iron Horse. I admit, up until the Pastor-gate story, I wanted Hillary for McCain to run against. She is the polarizing figure Republicans needed to get the lead out and get to the polls. But now, Obama's life of poor associations and questionable judgements has come to make him the new Hillary, in terms of polarization. Let us not forget the unrepentant Weatherman, Bill Ayers. And that pesky little comment Obama thought would never come out about the Gun-toting, Bible-thumping, Xenophobic Bitter Bigots in small towns across the US, but are only these things because they don't have a job right now. It appears the Democrats love to have the loser, and Obama is the loser. He has the hideously liberal voting record to prove it. He is the McGovern, the Mondale, the Dukakis, the Kerry of our time. He is carrying McGovern's exact same voter base: First Time Voters, Young Voters, College Students and Black Voters. And Hillary knows this. Clinton's plan 4 and 8 years out, and presumably, she would rather Obama be damaged to where McCain wins and she run again 2012. And apparently, the Democrats have given, yet again, the Clinton's what they want. Watching this race unfold is disgraceful. The MSM wants to play up Obama as the ONLY agent of change. The only change either of the Democrats, and especially Obama, offer is "relative change". Compared to Bush, yes, they are a "change", but only in regards to Bush. Not one candidate is offering Newt Gingrich's "Real Change", by starting the change of the way Washington is run. Obama is also on the skids because he started out saying that he wasn't a "Regular Washington Politician". Instead, preferring "Elected Public Servant", he has shown that when push comes to shove, he will in fact play politics as usual. Once he came back on a Clinton attack, the entire basis of his whole campaign went down the tubes.