Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To The "Faux News" Morons, In The Event of My Untimely Death...

Why is Fox News so intimidating to you idiots? Are you afraid of actual debate, and TRUE free speech... that being expressing political values, not showing aborted fetuses as "art". Liberal idiots control 90% of the media. The only media Conservatives are allowed on are Fox News, the Washington Post, and the Internet. But you're version of fair is only letting the American people hear what you have to say. Liberal ideas sound good on the surface, and once people delve into them, the more unpopular they become. Conservative ideas are shunned as "anti-progress, racist, bible-thumping, gun-toting, lunacy", until you delve into them and the more people are exposed to them the more they agree with them. This whole left-wing shut-out of Fox News by The Kaily Kos,, The Huffington Post, and others only exists because they can't control the content of what is said. For them free speech is being openly traitorous, tyrannical, and calling children "choices" and sexuality for everyone to see "human nature". Conservatives idea of free speech is speaking your mind on political views.

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